
Showing posts from 2016

ronde jahe cengkareng west vista

wedang rondejahe kami hadir memenuhi kebutuhan kesehatan anda bagi anda yang tidak bisa membeli wedang ronde jahe isi kacang datang langsung kami usaha rumahan melayani anda kami hanya melayani pesan antar untuk anda yang tidak sempat datang jika anda di kantor atU di rumah dan ingin pesan langsung silahkanhubu gikami akan mengantar ke rumah anda kamihadir di belakang apRtemen west vista yang baru di bangun silahkanmin pesan5 porsi akan kami antar kerumah andA khusunya seputar jKRt

Wedang round complete cengkareng area

Wedang round also so many people's favorite snacks while waiting for the pass or the arrival of the new year. Warm drink with ginger flavor with the contents balls of glutinous rice flour stuffed with a savory peanut. For those who prefer to make this event at home, can make it yourself.           Ingredients / spices: Round Material: 150 grams of white glutinous rice flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 135 ml of warm water 2 drops of green dye 2 drops of red dye chili Material contents: 50 grams of peanuts peeled, roasted 25 grams sugar 1/8 teaspoon salt Ginger Syrup: 2,000 ml of water 400 grams sugar 400 grams of ginger, burned, crushed 1 teaspoon salt 4 pandan leaf 6 stalks lemongrass, crushed Supplementary material: 200 grams fro, boiled, sliced 3 pieces of white bread without skin, cut in squares 25 grams of red pearl sago 1 can (200 grams) of longan, drained   How to make: Contents, blender warm peanuts, sugar, and salt until blended. Shape into small spheres. Set aside. Ronde

Complete Making Materials Wedang Ronde and How to Make beverages

Complete Making Materials Wedang Ronde and How to Make beverages advertisements   Making Materials Wedang Ronde Complete and How to Make - After a few articles that we created earlier to teach you how to cook now to you so that you can be complete again in creating a culinary delights for your family we also provide recipes drinks, be it a cold drink or warm drinks. Indeed, when the weather in the afternoon we better ice drink like iced coconut grass jelly or ice ruby, but if the night is coming definitely cold would envelop us and at the moment is we need a warm drink that is certainly useful to warm us, today articles about the drinks that we normally buy outside to warm our bodies are Wedang Ronde. advertisements   wedang Ronde Wedang Ronde is one minumah typical of Indonesia which has a distinctive ginger flavor that serves to warm to grow us, here we will give the secret ingredient to make it for you along step to make. First you will make Wedang Ronde when you first


Ingin menikmati wedang jahe ronde silahkan anda pesan di tempat kami kami akan melayani anda dengan senang hati ronde yang kami buat bisa di pertimbangkan untuk kesesuaean pedas jahe atau sedang anda bisa riques menurut selera anda misal tidak menggunakan ronde yg polos atau tanpa warna gula kamimemisahnya menurut selera mau gula jawa atau gula putih semua serba di pisah jahe pun demikian kami pisah ronde jahe kami khas bandung jadi jika anda pesan bisa di panasin lagi di rumah Jika anda memesan silahkan ping kami sertakan selera anda.

wedang ronde jahe-silahkan pesan d24686d7

pesan di pin D24686D7 / 0895-3537-70242 / 085890122901


ronde adalah makanan atau minuman yang berisi kacang di sangrai dan kuah jahe merah yang sangat pedas dan menggigit heheee cobain aja dahhhh pesan di 0858-9012-2901

ronde jahe jakarta

musim hujan begini cocok banget di temani semangkuk wedang ronde jahe hayo untuk menjaga tubuh supaya tetap fit dan tetap bugar,, coba rasakan dan bedakan manfaat dari mengkonsumsi wedang jahe ronde... pesan antar silahkan hubungi kami di no 0858-9012-2901