the benefits of red ginger

Red Ginger Benefits As a traditional medicine ingredient, red ginger was chosen because it provides a sense of bitter and spicy higher than other types of ginger. Efficacy generally can increase appetite and keep warm.

Because this is the effect of the fast feel fit and increased sexual arousal. In addition to its smaller size compared to the other two types of ginger, the ginger and elephants, red ginger skin color is also different. Her skin was pink, flesh slightly brown, and has a more coarse fiber.

This plant is known efficacious as a laxative, antirheumatic, and emetic colds. Red ginger rhizome contain essential oils that consist of zingeberin, kamfena, lemonin, zingiberen, zingiberal, gingeral, and shogool. Other ingredients, namely oil resin, starch, organic acids, malic acid, acid aksolat, and gingerin.

Efficacy is generally warm the body, appetite enhancer, laxative sweat, as well as preventing and treating colds. In addition, it is also useful to overcome sore throat (bronchitis), rheumatism, lumbago, impotence, stomach pain, increase stamina, relieve asthma, treat headaches, muscle pain, premature ejaculation, and launched a breast milk.

Until now there has been no research on the efficacy of red ginger to cope with asthma.

However, according to DR. Suwijiyo Pramono, fitofarmaka experts from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, warm feeling because of the possibility of volatile oil content that causes a sense of relief for asthma sufferers.

"Basically, red ginger not contain substances that are bronko splasmolitika (substance salve airway). Another possibility antihistamine effect on ginger that cause asthma subsided," said doctoral graduate of Universite Toulose phytochemical France.

However, for those patients with asthma as well as ulcers, you should avoid the consumption of red ginger. "Because gingerolnya can make heat and gastric irritation," said the lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM.

Zingiber officinale plant's Latin name is rich in benefits. Created as a refreshing beverage as well. Zingiber genus name given because the horn-shaped rhizome-like horns that grow on the head of a rhino.

Zingiber own words adopted from Arabic, Zanjabil. Koran in verse 17 of Surah Al Insaan also mention ginger. Approximately contents: "In heaven, they were given a drink that mixture of ginger."

Red ginger processed products have now been sold freely on the market. The form of chopped dried or bulbs, instant ginger, ginger powder, ginger syrup, and candy, making it easier for you to enjoy. Good luck!

Some Herb Red Ginger

1. To Overcome Rheumatism

Remedy 1: Prepare fresh red ginger 20 grams, ginger 20 grams, 20 grams of chili Java, cat whiskers 30 grams, 30 grams komfrey leaves, and water to drink 4 gelas.Semua material is washed, chopped or thinly sliced, then boiled. Wait until the remaining 2 cups boiling water, then strain. Drink 2 times in the morning and evening, to drink 1 cup. In order to taste more fresh, add 2 tablespoons of honey and lime juice.

Potion 2: Prepare fresh red ginger 20 grams, 30 grams of fresh leaves of the gods, the gods crown dried slices 20 grams, fresh meniran leaves 30 grams, 30 grams of leaf spoon, and water to drink 4 glasses. All material is washed, sliced ​​or chopped into small pieces, then boiled. Wait until the remaining 2 cups boiling water, then strain. Drink 2 times a day in the morning and evening, to drink 1 cup. If like, add honey.

2. To Overcome bone loss

Prepare fresh red ginger 20 grams, green beans 30 grams, 10 grams of seed cloves, cardamom 10 grams, pepper 15 grams, 20 grams of cinnamon, and water 4 gelas.Bahan-material is washed and pulverized or crushed. Boil until the remaining 2 cups boiling water, then filtered. Drink 2 times a day in the morning and evening after meals. Once drink 1 cup. In order to taste good, can add 2 tablespoons of honey.

3. To Overcome Asthma

Prepare fresh red ginger 20 grams, 30 grams of bitter leaf, leaf cottonwoods 30 grams, 20 grams lampes leaves, and water to drink 4 glasses. All material after washed, sliced ​​or chopped small. Boil until the remaining 2 cups boiling water, then saring.Minum 2 times a day in the morning and evening after meals. Once drink 1 cup. so it was fresh, it can add honey and lemon juice nipis.v

4. To Overcome Stroke

Prepare red ginger 20 grams, 40 grams of noni, Rauvolfia serpentina 20 grams, 30 grams god leaves, leaf Ciremai 20 grams, water to drink 4 glasses. After all washed, chopped or sliced. Boil 4 cups water until the water remaining 1.5 (one half) cup, then saring.Minum three times in the morning, afternoon, and evening after meals. Once drinking 0.5 (half) glass.

5. Adding Passion Sex

Prepare 15 grams of red ginger, ginseng 30 grams, 20 grams of Java chili, black pepper 20 grams, water to drink 4 glasses. All the ingredients are washed, boiled until the water remaining 2 cups then disaring.Minum 2 times in the morning and afternoon. Once drink 1 cup. Could add 1 egg yolk and 2 tablespoons pure honey. Mix well before drinking.

Note: To be safe, stick to consult with an expert herbalist or herbal healing


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