
Showing posts from 2015

honey and red ginger benefits

the benefits of red ginger and honey This is Red Ginger and Honey Benefits Need to know The benefits of red ginger and honey |'ve believed for a long time. In the old days a lot of people taking ginger and honey to treat symptoms of influenza. Both types of beverage ingredients can relieve dizziness and nausea. Red Ginger has many kinds of natural ingredients that can make the body more refreshed. Meanwhile honey contains a variety of substances needed by the body as sugar, energy, carbohydrate, fat, protein, pantothenic acid, Vitamin B, Vitamin C and various other minerals. In a journal published in revealed that consumption of red ginger and honey can simultaneously create a relaxing effect on the mind and also maintain the immune system. This makes the benefits of ginger and honey is very good to deal with various health problems. Red Ginger and Honey potential to Overcome Heart Disease In a study conducted in Maryland Medical Center revealed tha

the benefits of red ginger

Red Ginger Benefits As a traditional medicine ingredient, red ginger was chosen because it provides a sense of bitter and spicy higher than other types of ginger. Efficacy generally can increase appetite and keep warm. Because this is the effect of the fast feel fit and increased sexual arousal. In addition to its smaller size compared to the other two types of ginger, the ginger and elephants, red ginger skin color is also different. Her skin was pink, flesh slightly brown, and has a more coarse fiber. This plant is known efficacious as a laxative, antirheumatic, and emetic colds. Red ginger rhizome contain essential oils that consist of zingeberin, kamfena, lemonin, zingiberen, zingiberal, gingeral, and shogool. Other ingredients, namely oil resin, starch, organic acids, malic acid, acid aksolat, and gingerin. Efficacy is generally warm the body, appetite enhancer, laxative sweat, as well as preventing and treating colds. In addition, it is also useful to overcome sore throat

jahe merah

taukah anda kalau wedang jahe ini bisa menyembuhkan lambung,,,,?penasarankan jahe merah ternyata mampu menyembuhkan lambung yang kronis akibat penyakit mah,,, saya pernah mengalaminya yang namanya sakit mah lambung rasanya luar biasa saya terserang mah karena suka pada makanan yang sangat pedas dan akhirnya lambung saya sakit namun berkat saran dari seorang teman aku mencoba meracik ramuan yang alami ini yahhh jahe merah sangat cocok untuk menyembuhkan lambung selain tentunya masuk angin ,,,belilah jahe merah ini di pasaran lalu kupas dan parut setelah itu peras dan rebus hingga mendidih ..campurkan sedikit gula putih ataw merah dan segeralah minum sewaktu hangat ,,,,selamat mencoba mudah2han bermanfaat.

khasiat w dank jahe ronde

di cuaca hujan begini kita pasti di pusingkan dengan penyakit flue demam dan masuk angin pastinya untuk menyembuhkan semua itu ada baiknya anda mencoba minuman yang sangat trasisional ini ....w dank ronde jahe tentunya di buat dari jahe merah dan gula murni akan bisa menghilangkan masuk angin anda nahhhh untuk penjegahan baiknya anda pun mencoba minum/mengkonsumsinya setiap hari supaya badan kita tidak mudah terserang penyakit itulah resep dari saya ,,,,, aliem,,,,mudah2han bermanfaat.